Friday, August 28, 2009

The Portal



I was fooling around on my workbench
a few days ago, mucking about with

a variety of elements, the result of
which is my newest discovery, the

What this does specifically:

1. It tunes you in to any nearby
Portal into some Parallel Worlds.

2. It "softens" the Portal, enabling
you to see and hear through it.

3. It sometimes makes it easier to
meld through the Portal.

4. It can also CLOSE the Portal,
making "rebirth" less probable in

certain circumstances.

5. It does not have the same effect
as the Black Diode in that it is far

more specific to softening, opening
and closing Portals.

The specific action of the Portal
Ammy is to "see" and "hear" into
worlds. It would be very
useful in "haunted" houses where the
Brane skins
are very transparent
already. It could be useful in
locating missing items or

possibly for psychics working with
investigators in missing persons cases.
might also be useful for obtaining
information not available through normal


The most obvious use is in "witching"
water or gold. I have had a few people

not normally "psychic sensitives"
locate both water and gold deposits
successfully, however, the laws
governing gold mining are now very
and it is no longer possible
in most cases to actually extract the
gold with all
the BLM restrictions
and regulations. We found about half
an ounce in just
under an hour, which
is NOT enough to justify quitting the
day job, but it is
possible, and I intend if possible
to organize a gold-
workshop for the Thanksgiving workshop.

One other rather interesting and
amusing item; years ago, the kids
buried a
small number of rather rare
silver charms somewhere in the
Using the Portal Ammy,
Barbara successfully located the
burial spot and we
recovered all but
one of them. They're actually
worthless, no point putting
them up
on eBay, but I found the event very
enchanting, and she now feels
empowered by the whole thing.

Anyhow, the Portal Ammy employs a
somewhat expensive set of elements,

but it is so important to me to get
these out there that I am making it

available for the same price as a
Black Diode and no, you can't switch
Black Diode for this -- I have to
put the money for this item out of

One more item:

The fastest way to get these out
there is to give them as presents
Christmas Season. I'll be
pricing the introductory ammy as
close to the bone
as I can in order
to make this possible for everyone.
There isn't any faster or
easier way
to get these into people's hands than
to have them wear them
and experience
what they are and what can be done
with their help.


for more information go to-

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